The Brazilian Soccer School

The Brazilian Soccer School

Soccer coaching & training for youth.

Currently serving schools in Northern Virginia.

Showing 3 current and upcoming activities for online & in-person activities
Fall Games

Grades: K - 6th Ages: 6 - 13


Fall Games is a fun way to get our kids back into the realm of sports and athleticism after summer break! In this class we will explore different sports such as soccer and football! This class is one that brings excitement for our youth through games such as freeze tag, handball and dodge ball-Monkey in the middle to name a few!

Hope to see everyone this Fall!

Soccer/Fitness Class

Grades: K - 6th Ages: 6 - 12


The Youth Soccer & Fitness class goes over the fundamentals of soccer and at the same time enhances the children's physical activity. Children will explore their natural disposition for having a spontaneous joyful approach to soccer while also maintaining their fitness levels at a high. Classes are for K-6th grade and focus on coordination, self esteem building and improving overall fitness levels. Even at these early age groups one can recognize individual talents and work towards letting them shine!

Sports Agility Enhancement Class

Grades: K - 6th Ages: 5 - 12


Presented by the Brazilian soccer School, The focus of this class is helping students K-6 in mastering the technical skills needed in the game of soccer. The focus is to ensure our players are two-footed, and quick in movement and decision making, we also continue to develop their spatial awareness and ability to change the tempo and direction of the game. We incorporate the principles of teamwork into the training and adopt multiple systems of play. They attain all these skills through exciting drills and practice scrimmages.